If you are consistently overeating carbohydrates, one of the main effects is unwanted weight gain. In spite of their bad reputation, carbs are not bad, they are important to human function. There are tons of examples of lean and fit people who consume generous amounts of carbohydrates, however anything in excess will result in issues.
Christine Hronec, an award-winning chemist and three-time champion fitness competitor, nutrition, and exercise expert, offers her six signs of excessive carb intake.
1. Hyperglycemia (Type 2 Diabetes)
This condition is the result of excess glucose in one’s blood stream. This is one of the key signs of diabetes a condition where the body cannot effectively lower one’s blood sugar due to irregularities with ones insulin levels. This results in frequent urination as well as a persistent thirst. Eating excessive amounts of sugar is the primary cause of this condition, however there are cases where the body is not able to effectively manage glucose metabolism due to the inability to create insulin (type 1 diabetes) or a case of insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes).
2. Bloating
Even if you eat a healthy and balanced diet, bloating is a part of life and sometimes seems to happen for non-obvious reasons. Consistent bloating is typically related to excess carb intake, gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, IBS, or consumption of high FODMAP foods.
3. Acne
Nutrition plays such an important role in skin health. Excessive carb intake in the form of refined sugars can increase acne breakouts. Refined carbs breakdown into sugars that feed bacteria. While bacteria alone will not cause acne, it can stress existing inflammation. Selecting lower glycemic index carbs will help minimize nutrition related breakouts in addition to dialing your sugar intake to only 10% of your recommended carb content and keeping that level dialed in.
4. Fatigue
A common sign of excess carb intake will result in a shift in energy level. The problem is that refined carbs are processed very quickly leading to quick rises in energy levels, but results in a sharp drop in blood sugar that induces fatigue. When insulin is released from the pancreas it drops your blood sugar but it also causes an increase in your melatonin and serotonin levels in the brain resulting in a feeling of mild drowsiness after eating large portions of starchy carbohydrates.
5. Depression
Depression results from a reduction in ones serotonin levels in the brain. Excess sugar intake declines optimal brain function and increases overall inflammation in the body. A lot of people seek emotional comfort from food where carbs are a common go-to when one is feeling down. The problem is that excess sugars, artificial sweeteners, and fast foods, which are very high in carbs have been linked to cause a wide variety of mental disorders from ADHD to bipolar disorders.
6. Sugar Cravings/Addiction
Some studies show that sugar is up to 8 times as addictive as cocaine. It was found that sugar actually stimulates the brains opioid receptors. More often than not unresolved emotional problems can be taken out on food. Instead of treating your issues with food, it is advised to talk about them with a trusted friend or counselor.
About Christine Hronec
Christine Hronec (https://gaugelife.com) is an award-winning chemist and three-time champion fitness competitor, nutrition, and exercise expert. Since founding her company Gauge Life in 2013, Christine has helped approximately 40,000 women transform their bodies and switch to a body-positive self-image. Her YouTube channel has over 25 million views. Christine has received awards from the American Chemical Society and was published in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Christine was part of the team that created Time magazine’s “Invention of the Year” for her work in the biotech field.
About Gauge Girl Training, LLC. Gauge Girl Training, LLC. is an international online meal planning and coaching service. Established in 2013, we have helped over 30,000+ women and men implement a macros based approach to nutrition. Christine Hronec is the founder and CEO as well as an author, engineer, food scientist, and former national bikini competitor. Holding a B.S and M.S. in Chemical and Biological Engineering from Drexel University, Christine got her start at Fortune 100 Company DuPont as a chemical engineer for 6 years before branching out as an entrepreneur with small and mid-size start-up companies in the biotech and nutraceutical industries
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