SmorgasBurgh provides useless information and commentary mostly about Pittsburgh sports. You’ll find parodies and other satirical content on our site. We are based in Pittsburgh and proud fans—but we do like to bust balls and some of our stuff is tasteless and profane. Please don’t take it seriously.
Follow us on twitter and we’ll let you know when we add new stuff.
Want to write for us?
We welcome submissions of bylined articles throughout the year. Below you will find a basic guideline on how to submit a bylined article. Due to the volume of articles we receive per week, we typically publish articles within 2 weeks of receipt.
Bylined Article Checklist
- A bylined article is one that expresses the knowledge and insights of the author(s). The purpose is to educate and/or update our readers on a certain issue or the latest trends as it applies to the healthcare industry.
- You may include a link to your company in the bio at the end of the piece. Please note: We also reserve the right to change or remove any links in the article at any time. Links in the bio will not be changed.
- No promotional articles. Bylined articles should be at least 700 words, be educational and informative, and take a specific angle about something in the related field, rather than an advertisement of an organization.
- Articles should be written in the third-person, unless the submission is an opinion piece approved by the editor.
- Include a title for the article, the author’s byline, a short bio, and a headshot. Headshots should be at least 200 dpi in resolution, be in color, in .jpg format, and not be embedded in a Word document.
- Do not include footnotes or endnotes. Any appropriate references should be incorporated into the narrative of the article itself.
- We reserve the right to refuse individual articles once they have been submitted and reviewed.
Any questions? Please email us at