The combination skin type is one of the most difficult complexions to manage with a regular routine. Not only does this kind of skin exhibit both dry and oily characteristics, it’s also responsible for a plethora of potentially severe blemishes as a result. Because of this, knowing whether you’re dealing with a combination complexion is the first key step to adjusting your skin care regimen accordingly. These are some of the top signs you have combination skin and how to account for these varying skin needs.
You Experience Oily and Dry Patches
Though the specific traits of combination skin can vary by individual, almost everyone with this skin type has oily and dry patches peppered across their face. In many cases, a person’s T-zone, or forehead, nose, and chin, is oily, while their cheeks are dry and flaky. Some may even experience the reverse where their T-zone is dry and their cheeks are shiny with oil. Either way, having areas with both characteristics is a strong indicator that you have this type of complexion.
Your Nose Has Larger Pores
You may be living with combination skin if you notice your nose has larger pores than those on the rest of your face. When the T-zone produces excessive amounts of oil, the pores in these areas must expand to account for it. This gives them an enlarged appearance on the surface and makes them more likely to clog and break out. So, if you notice your pores are bigger in some places than others, it might be time to consider specially targeting these patches.
You Get Breakouts Even During Dry Spells
Another common sign you have combination skin is that you experience breakouts even when your skin feels dry to the touch. Due to the nature of combination skin, it’s possible for you to have breakouts while still getting flakiness in other areas of your face. This could even cause you to get acne during the colder and dryer times of the year.
Your Skin Is Shiny After Applying Sunscreen
One of the best ways to test for combination skin is to apply sunscreen and see how your complexion reacts. These products absorb differently depending on the type of skin you have. So, if you find that it spreads evenly over some areas of your face, yet leaves a shiny residue in others, it’s clear that combination skin is behind this effect.
Once you’re aware of these indicators, you’ll have a much clearer idea of what your combination skin needs are. This, in tandem with a few helpful combination skin care tips, can get you on the track to the beautiful and blemish-free look you’re after.