How to Get Your Kitchen Ready for Game Day

How to Get Your Kitchen Ready for Game Day

It’s football season, and you’ve got your friends coming over ready to watch the game. Naturally, you’ll want to have the food and beverages ready, so you can relax and enjoy yourselves. Learn how to get your kitchen ready for game day and get all your preparations out of the way early.

Grab Your Game Day Essentials Ahead of Time

You should have an idea of what you want to serve. Make a trip to the supermarket a day or two ahead of time to pick up supplies, disposable kitchenware, beverages, and anything else you’ll need. Let your guests know if they should bring anything beforehand as well.

Start Your Prep Early

Who doesn’t like a tasty hot dip? Start preparing appetizers and heated dips early because they might take some time to cook. You can also marinate steaks and chicken ahead of time to allow them to soak up the flavors before you throw them on the grill.

Wipe Everything Down

People love to move the party into the kitchen. The last thing you want is for everyone to walk inside and see a big mess. Not to mention, if you’re preparing a large amount of food for a group of people, you don’t want anyone getting sick from contaminated or filthy appliances.

That’s why it’s especially important that you thoroughly clean your kitchen and appliances, so everything is game day-ready. Run your pots and pans through the dishwasher, disinfect and wipe down surfaces, and clean out your refrigerator. You’ll also want to make sure you’re cleaning up after you finish cooking.

Put Up Fun Decorations

You can really get into the spirit of the game by finding some themed decorations at a party store and tapping into your creativity. Grab paper plates and cups in your team’s colors. You can spruce up your spread with a plastic table cover with your team’s logo or one that looks like a football field.

If you’re the betting type, you can grab a big football pool sheet so everyone can put down some money on what they think the score will be. The more decorations you put up, the more your party will feel like a big event.

When figuring out how to get your kitchen ready for game day, you don’t want to stress out too much. Focus on creating a space in which everyone feels comfortable. Once the game starts, just sit back and enjoy the ride.