Losing weight has major health benefits. You decrease your risk of getting many diseases, including high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, and Type-2 diabetes.
According to the recently revised Dietary Guidelines for Americans guidelines, building your diet around a foundation of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lowfat dairy can help you lose weight.
Despite the recommendations, most dieters want a quick fix.
To make the dieting process easier, some people follow the latest fad diet. These diets are geared to trick the metabolism. It gives you a jump start by manipulating the metabolism, but only for the short term.
Why you should lose weight
One reason you want to try to lose weight is that it could lead to obesity which could lead to a lifelong disease. It’s not a cosmetic issue nor a moral judgment — and it is becoming a dangerous epidemic. In fact, obesity was the latest addition to the American Heart Association’s (AHA) list of major risk factors that people can control to prevent death and disability from coronary heart disease, the cause of heart attacks. These major risk factors also include smoking, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, and a sedentary lifestyle.
The AHA upgraded the status of obesity from a contributing risk factor to a major risk factor for heart attack due to strong scientific evidence of obesity’s impact on heart disease risk. Research has shown that modest weight reduction — 5 to 10 percent of body weight — can reduce high blood pressure and total blood cholesterol.
Weight gain during young adult life may be one of the most important determinants of cardiovascular risk factors. Increased intra-abdominal fat, or waist circumference, is probably related to a constellation of risk factors, the so-called insulin resistance syndrome.
More research on obesity is one of nine points in the American Heart Association’s call to action on obesity, which also stresses the need for greater understanding by both medical professionals and the public about the complexities of weight regulation and its relationship to health.
Improving your diet and nutrition
Diet and nutrition concerns of people who are obese or overweight are extremely common. Some believe that their weight issues are caused by, and can be cured by, a better diet. While diet can certainly affect weight loss, research and data suggest that it is not the primary factor in the weight loss process. Paying special attention to what you eat may go a long way toward reducing symptoms and promoting healing.
There is not one set diet that is applicable to everyone trying to lose weight—it is more of an individualized plan. Modifications in your diet depend on a variety of factors such as the cause of your weight issue.
A good balanced diet with three meals a day is advised. Diet should include five servings or more of fruit and vegetables as well as five servings of whole grains. Two servings of milk or dairy products are needed to maintain strong bones. Six to eight glasses a day of water is essential for kidney function, regulating bowel movements, and keeping the body well hydrated. Watch the amount of salt because of the effect on the heart and blood pressure, but season up your foods with Mrs. Dash and other seasonings—your taste buds don’t work as well as they used too! Make meal time fun and pleasurable even if you eat alone. Serve your meal on your good dishes, even if it just for yourself. You deserve something special!
Also, try and understand the basics behind the Food Pyramid. You may also try eating small meals every few hours that consist of foods closest to their natural state (fruits, raw vegetables, whole grains). Learn more at www.mypyramid.gov.
Benefits of activity and harm from inactivity
While physical exercise has been shown to have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health [1] and is widely recommended to maintain health in later life, there are significant gaps in knowledge about the optimal type of exercise to best promote physical and mental health. The specific types of exercise that have been most well-studied focus on strength and endurance, and there is also a growing evidence base about balance and flexibility. General programs to promote all types of physical activity have also been performed. While many of these programs generate significant short-term gains, adherence has been a persistent problem, especially after support and supervision are reduced.
Regular physical activity is associated with a range of health benefits, and its absence can have harmful effects on health and well being, increasing the risk for obesity, diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, certain cancers and osteoporosis.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommend that adults engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on most days, preferably all days, to have a beneficial effect on their health.
Working out can be simple, like walking at a fast speed for 30 minutes. Even the little things you do in your daily regimen helps, like taking the steps at work instead of the elevator.
Using fat burning supplements
Many companies promise tremendous weight loss with the use of weight loss supplements and fat burning medicines. Some of them also claim guaranteed loss of weight without the need for any diet or exercise. If you are one of those who feel that losing weight is magical if you consume these fat burners, then you are misguided.
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Is it bad to take fat burners? Even the best supplements will not work like magic. They might supplement your weight loss because they consist of ingredients that will boost your metabolism, but if you are not ready to change your lifestyle, nothing can help you. Even if you plan to consume the supplement, you need to ensure that a steady diet and exercise are mandatory. However, weight loss supplements play a crucial role in accompanying a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Here are a few basics about fat burners that will guide you in your weight loss journey
Weight loss supplements will help you to target your weight loss better but only in addition to your diet and exercise. Fat burners work to boost your metabolism and minimize the absorption of fat in your body. It helps you to burn more calories when you work out, thus accelerating your weight loss journey.
How supplements function
Some of the chief ingredients in fat burners work on how your body burns fat and enhances your energy levels. Caffeine is one of the vital elements in all fat burners. Caffeine helps to increase your energy levels, boosts the metabolic rate of your body. However, weight loss supplements containing caffeine and other weight loss promoting ingredients will not be able to fix poor dietary habits. You can only opt for them if you are ready to work on yourself and need a dietary supplement to assist your weight loss.
Effectiveness of supplements
The effectiveness of supplement to help burn fat depends on your knowledge of how much they work. If you hope for tremendous fat loss only by popping in weight loss pills, then you are wrong. You must also be aware that the supplements will not melt away all your fat in a short period.
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Here are a few tips that might help you to obtain maximum benefit from your weight loss supplements
Keep your expectations low
Although you can increase the number of kilos you shed with supplements, do not expect to lose plenty of kilos because of it. Healthy weight loss per week ranges between two to three pounds. The key is to lose weight healthily and maintain it. Losing too much weight very quickly can result in muscle loss, which will spoil your body’s shape and bring down your energy levels along with your weight.
Set long term goals
Aiming to lose weight per day is futile because you will regain it even if you are successful. Your goals should at least be set for a week, month, or year so that your results give you the motivation to do better.
Take a breather from consuming supplements
While fat burning supplements aids your weight loss, you must give yourself a break from it every fortnight so that your system does not get used to it. When you chronically intake medicine, your tolerance level increases, and the rate of success goes down.
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